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In Audre's Footsteps - Transnational Kitchen Table Talk | Heidi R. Lewis and Dana Maria Asbury with Jazlyn Andrews (Witnessed Book Series Edition 7)

  • Artikelnummer: ea162
  • Bindung: Softcover
  • Seiten: 128
  • Verlag: edition assemblage
  • ISBN: 978-3-96042-111-5
In Audre’s Footsteps amplifies the resistive and generative experiences of women of color educators, artists, activists, and scholars in Berlin and the U.S. who consider themselves friends in the struggle.
12,80 €
inkl. USt.* (Händler*innen exkl.. USt.*) , zzgl. Versand
  • sofort lieferbar
  • Lieferzeit: 3 - 6 Werktage (DE - Ausland abweichend)