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Contact the roots of compassion collective! You can contact us via telephone and e-mail. We also offer PGP!

roots of compassion eG
Rudolf-Diesel-Straße 37
48157 Münster

Google Maps

Telephone: +49 (0)251 2394770 | Fax: +49 (0)251 239477011 | E-Mail: info @ rootsofcompassion . org | PGP Key: see below

Pickup of orders at our warehouse are possible.

You can order and pay online and come pick up your order at our warehouse! Give us a call before your pickup. Cash-Payment not possible unfortunately

Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday (execpt public holidays): 11am to 3pm and additionally arrangements possible: contact us by e-mail or phonecall.

Warehouse sale is still closed until further notice.

Shipping is continuing as usual, but there may be some delays.

Key ID: 0x210646AD | Algorithm: DSA/ELG | Size: 3072/3072 | Created: 22.01.2014 | Expires: never
Fingerprint: 554F 47F9 390C 573F ABD5 34ED 0A0C E2EE 2106 46AD
Contact data
By the way, we only need a name and a working email-address to reply to your message. Any other information is not obilgatory, but might be helpful for us to process your request.
If you activate this checkbox youll receive our monthly newsletter (sometimes twice a month). Well keep you informed on new products, discounts and other news and dates we care about. You can unsubscribe any time you want here. You can find further information in our Data Protection Declaration.

The password must be at least 10 characters long. Help in the FAQs.


Key ID: 0x210646AD | Algorithm: DSA/ELG | Size: 3072/3072 | Created: 22.01.2014 | Expires: never
Fingerprint: 554F 47F9 390C 573F ABD5 34ED 0A0C E2EE 2106 46AD